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Cap for PA is now 1709.

Depending on what you decide to be your main spec, there is 2 ways that you will be spending your PA. As a dps rogue, you will be primarily going for AP and Dexterity. Below you will see what every PA tree has to offer you.

Earth: +57 End +12 Strength +12 Dex (+24 AP when wielding hammer/sword/axe/mace)
Air: +45 Dex (+24 AP when wielding a bow/gun/dagger)
Fire: +25 Str (+24 AP when wielding a bow/gun/sword) also gives honed edge +40 AP on one hand (can also be crafted)
Water: +45 Dex (24AP when wielding a hammer/axe/dagger/mace
Life: +45 End (+24 AP when wielding a hammer/bow/gun/axe/mace
War: +40 Armour +60 Endurance +30 Dex +15CP And gives Cleanse Soul (removes all debuff from the rogue)

Nature - Requires the completion of Earth and Life Attunement.
+32 AP +120 Armour + 163 Endurance +18 Strength +18 Dex

Cinder - Requires the completion of Fire and Death Attunement.
+6 Endurance + 151 Strength +6 Dex +32AP

Storm - Requires the completion of Air and Water Attunement.
+6 Endurance +6 Strength +151 Dex +24 Ap

Steam - Requires the completion of Fire and Water Attunement.
+72AP +10 End +95 Strength +95 Dex

Dusk - Requires the completion of Life and Death Attunement.
+72 AP +95 End +95 Strength +10 Dex

Dust - Requires the completion of Air and Earth Attunement.
+107 Endurance +22 Strength +107 Dex +72AP

So for DPS (healers should also follow this route, gives most AP/Dex) rogues this is how you should begin to fill out your PA tree:

Start with War, fill that out to max, then Air, Water, Storm (will be unlocked when Water is full), Earth, Dust (will be unlocked when Earth is full), Fire, Steam (will be unlocked when Fire is full), Death, Cinder (will be unlocked when Death is fully completed), Life, Dusk (will be unlocked when Life is full) and nature. That will give you the best stats for dps.

For tanks, the way you want to fill out your PA is different. You should fill your PA out like this:

War, Earth, Life, Nature (will be unlocked when you complete Life), Air, Dust (will be unlocked when air is complete), Death, Dusk (will be unlocked when death is complete), Water, Storm (will be unlocked when water is complete), Fire, Steam (will be unlocked when fire is complete), Cinder.

Along with all this it comes with some handy ports, abilities and extra resist, but resist isnt that important anyway, you can check them out yourself in game.

How to spend Planar Attunement.

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