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Other things you should know about being a rogue, in no particular order but all of it's important to know. % for stat caps remain the same whether it's 65 or 70. 


Your stats and how they work.

Primary Stat: A rogues primary stat is Dexterity. 1 point of Dexterity gives 0.75 Attack Power and 0.5 Physical Crit per point for rogues.

Seconday Stat: A rogues secondary stat is Strength, you still benefit from having strength but its much less effective than Dex. 1 point of Strength gives 0.25 Attack Power and 0.5 Physical Crit per point for rogues.

Tertiary Stat: Attack Power. Crit Power. Physical Crit. (for dps)


Tertiary Stats are now only found on Fragments and Essences - They were removed from gear pieces with 4.0

Crit Power and Physical Crit both have a soft and hard cap. Attack Power does not. 

Crit Power soft cap is 40% and the hard cap is 50% 

Physical Crit soft cap is 45% and the hard cap is 60% - But you shouldn't get close to this cap. 

Stats that have a soft/hard cap just mean that past the stated cap they will be affected by diminishing returns. This means their effectiveness per point will be reduced.

For crit power, after the soft cap the effectiveness of this stat will be worth 1/5th  of what it was worth before the soft cap. 

And for Physical Crit  the stat will also be worth 1/5th of what it was prior to the soft cap.


Tertiary Stat: Block. Dodge. Guard.

All 3 of these stats have a cap. 

Block - 45% is the soft cap and 60% is the hardcap. 

Dodge - Doesn't have a softcap. Hardcap is 20% (but it's unlikely you'll get close to this)

Guard - Guard has 3 tiers of effectiveness. One for each tier of raiding, each of these has a soft and a hard cap. The soft cap for each tier is 10% and the hardcap is 12%.

Tier 1 - 2369 (10%) - 4377 (12%)
Tier 2 - 3378 (10%) - 3904 (12%)
Tier 3 - 4500 (10%) - 5700 (12%)


With SFP Guard only has 1 tier of effectiveness.

Expert Tier - 4500 (10%) - 7500+ (12%)


As these stats have a cap, it means they also suffer diminishing returns past their caps, with the exception of dodge as its impossible to get to the hardcap to calculate. And Guard only has diminishing returns on t1 where every point after the soft cap has 20% effectiveness. 

Every point of block after the soft cap gives 1/3rd of the benefit. 

As a rogue, you do not gain any benefit from stats such as Wisdom, Intelligence, Spell Power, Spell Crit.

Weapon Dps - What type of weapons you should use, how they work etc. 


As for weapon type (axe/mace/dagger/sword) it doesn't matter what type you use. The only thing that the weapon type is affected by is PA but that all gets normalized when its maxed out. However this doesn't mean you should work your PA around your current weapon, as it's most likely going to be changed with an upgrade and there are better ways to spend your PA.


Weapon Swing Speed will have no affect on your dps in PvE or PvP. There is one exception in PvP with Scourge of Darkness stacks having a higher expenditure with a higher swing speed weapon, which will slightly increase your burst dps in pvp, but its very small. 

Your off-hand is merely a stat stick. It doesn't take the weapon damage into account. Which means you should put your highest damaging weapon into your main hand, as when you have an off-hand equipped, your main hand is 1.3* more effective. 


With 4.1 Ranged Weapons no longer affect ranged dps, everything is calculated from your Main Hand Weapon, which means its more important than ever to have your highest damaging weapon on your main hand.


Your Energy regen rate is 20 p/s

Weapon Enhancements/Trinkets do not get procced by Tactician Torrents. 


Calculated Shot Legendary does not effect Tactician Torrents - But it does effect Planar Variation (very useful in pvp, heals to nearly full and does a lot of damage)

Weapon Enhancement procs have a lower chance of hitting multiple targets. For example, Electrified Munitions has a 100% proc rate on one target. On two targets it would have a 50% chance to hit each target. 3 Targets will have a 33% chance to hit each target. 4 Targets 25% so on so forth.

Another example we can use Virulent Poison. 50% chance to proc on 1 target. 2 targets would be 25% per target. 3 targets would be 16% etc.

Any ability that deals an element (fire, death, life, earth, water) damage is a non-phys attack. Anything that doesnt, is a physical attack. 


Adding petfollow (at the top) and petattack (at the bottom) of a macro in ranger will fix the issue pets currently have at the moment where they refuse to do anything.

Channeled abilities and DoTs carry the effect of a cooldown even after the cooldown has ended.

For example, Fated Blades in Bladedancer, if you were to cast Hundred Blades at the last second of Fated, it will carry the proc of Fated for the duration of that cast. Same applies for DoTs and other channels.

It doesn't count with Cast Time abilities, for example if you were to cast Deadeye shot and the cooldown of Bull's Eye ran out before you finished the cast, Deadeye Shot would not be buffed by Bull's Eye, as Cast Times are resolved at the end of the cast.

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