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The spec - 61 Assassin 10 Ranger 5 Nightblade


61 - Soul Steal - The only one you should be

using, your dots (impale, puncture and

jagged strike) will apply a debuff to  the mob

(Hemophilia) that increases the damage taken

from you by 1.5% per stack, stacks up to 3.

62- Revitalize - Everything else in this section

is pretty much worthless for assassin, so

Revitalize is the best choice for the increased

healing taken.

63 - You have 2 choices here. You can either go

with Juke and Run - Which helps on disconnects

with a 12% increased movement speed - Or you

can go with Boundless Energy to help with energy

drain - Usually if you have Fervor or Living Energy

draining isnt an issue, so I went for Juke and Run.

64 - Repetitive Strikes - Increases the Duration of Expose Weakness by 40 seconds and does the most amount of damage compared to the other masteries in this row.

65 - Energy Manipulation - Doesn't really need explaining - Has the highest dps increase. (When parsing use Planar Conservation as this spec can get easily drained)


61 Assassin works really well for full ST fights, its disconnect ability is weak and only has Quick Shot and Head shot thats worth using at range. 

Buffs: You're allowed to have 3 poisons thanks to the 61 point Master of Poisons) 

Lethal Poison - Puts a 15 second debuff on the enemy increasing the chance to be critically hit by 5%. This will have a 100% uptime, if there are more rogues playing assassin specs with Lethal, work out which one of you is going to keep it up and the other rogue can use Leeching poision or Enfeebling Posion, all 3 poisons do the exact same amount of damage but Lethal posion is more important due to the crit debuff that increases raid wide dps, not just your own.

Virulent Poision

Malicious Poison 

The other 2 were chosen because they do more damage than any of the other poisions, with Malicious being the highest, Virluent Second and Lethal Third.

Predatory Instincts - This comes from Ranger.



#show backstab
cast Backstab
cast Savage Strike
cast Quick Shot


I don't recommend macro'ing Quick Shot, Rift has this lovely bug as to where it can mess up your rotation slightly by not switching back from your ranged weapons to your melee weapons, making it a dps loss to macro if there are disconnects.

Why isnt Serpent Strike in the macro?


Macro'ing Serpent Strike is a really bad idea, you should only be using Serpent Strike when it procs from a critical hit. Which is why if you macro it you risk putting it onto a 20 second cd, rather than an 8 second cd if you use it when it procs.


#show Thread of Death
cast thread of death
cast jagged strike



You can either choose to macro this together, or manage it seperately, either one doesn't really make a difference.

If you want to put macro Energy Manipulation in your builder just put in the macro (at the front)


cast @self energy manipulation


Or if you want to self maintain it, which i recommend because macro'ing it can cause slight lag in the rotation (Thank you Trion) use:

#show energy manipulation
cast @self energy manipulation

Other important Abilities that you should keep on your bar.


Leaping Plunge - 30 meter range charge. Please don't macro this, its never a good idea to macro your charge as it can get you killed.


Puncture - 10 second dot, awards 1 combo point - Should have a 100% uptime on the mob, if you switch targets immediately apply your dots.


Impale - DoT finisher - Last 20 seconds, should be up 100% of the time as it increases your dps from Physical Trauma (increases damage on the boss by 20%)


Final Blow - Main Finisher


Debilitating Dart - Should be used off cd with other raid members cd's - e.g. Lava Field/Flaring Power (Has a 30 second cd so you use it once during the cd block then it should align up and you'd be able to use it off cd)


Poison Malice - Increases Poison Buff damage by 125% - This is an important CD. Should be used with raid CD's. This is vitally important to line up Poison Malice with cd's, as its a major dps loss if you don't.


Stealth - Pretty obvious what this does.


Jagged Strike - Opening Ability - To be put on Stealth Bar.


Expose Weakness - To be applied before the fight starts - Is applied/refreshed on every finisher used with 5 combo points (so, all of them)




Important Point Here! 


Cloak and Dagger - This is a 15 second buff that increases your damage done by 15% - During your initial rotation Cloak and Dagger should have roughly a 1 minute (slightly less, like 56 seconds cause you wanna clip it slightly) uptime. You do this by first proccing it from stealth - then use ToD and make Jagged Hit at the last second of Cloak and Dagger, therefore buffing the entire dot of Jagged - Then using Slip away (again, last second - Slip away doesnt work on dummy parses unless someone else is there hitting the dummy so it doesnt get out of aggro) then using ToD and Jagged again.



Starting at 2 combo points (if you're starting at no combo points just press builder macro twice before using impale)


Pre-apply Energy Manipulation and Expose Weakness to the target - Stealth up - Start with Jagged Strike - Impale (for damage increase) - Puncture (to proc hemophilia, will be at max stacks now) Poison Malice with Debilitating Dart > Serpent Strike (if procced, if it hasnt just wait off until it has, dont use it if its not procced.) - builder macro to 5 combo points - FInal Blow.

Then you will keep up Puncture and Impale, using builder and finishers and Serpent Strike off cd.



After this you will want to track Cloak And Dagger and making sure Jagged hits the last second of it, as mentioned before.

A way of min/maxing ToD is using it 5 seconds before Cloak and Dagger is about to run out, then using Jagged at the last second of both Thread of Death and Cloak and Dagger, giving you extra time on the next couple of ToD cd's.



Kuruul Alert Set:


KA::APYqbeNqdkt9vwiAQx/8V/wIHtLQQnqhI4h6WxXVvJg1arEzXNgWzmeyP37XaZC9bXHNHwo8 vd5+Dc++tOVmBRS7ak7nYbh5MV9kw7GgYq6tAkkWq0lQpxpCSVDKBQKLBENja7YNQJpiHzetqY7b u5MKlcLum9hv72TbeflhzxNt5WXqBE8JFQolIUO94TiiEEovlU75c9zM8WIQgez5up/0qgXRE6K8 3U1W2/AP6cRDMXkLnjsAeY80l1SpjWcQwpnezd011tn6Igm/sERaUo2nsCNjzQ2fNT3aoKB9grie zZj9T1oSDkFrFKdY640nMuY6XcP8uauM9uKuLMEQsmn1R9hGL8f051MDS/9eA8a2I9lzvwrn7rW9 6ex4lkjApaRYtMpLyDL5gQufU1ntiRnrAptHk7vkGN7nhZA


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