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As a phystact your job is to heal the raid, you do this by using  hots,  spamming your shields and healing builders! You don't have much burst healing as a phystact, you're more of a chloro style of healing in terms of healing output.

​|XKXw - Standard Phys/tact spec, i dont recommend changing this.




- Preventive Medication

- Simultaneous Treatment

- Alternative Treatment

- Curative Treatment






- Battle Remote - Increases the raids damage and healing by 20%

- Power Core - Debuffs a target making them take 10% more damage.

You can macro these together and add a raid message to let the raid know you've dropped your cd's.

- Emergency Response - 100% of your health as a heal.






- Causal Treatment - Main spam ability


- Expectant Treatment - Shield (hits 5 people with Alternative Treatment)- 1 part of your builder


- Active Treatment - To be used when movement, and once during your standard rotation block.


- Urgent Care - Spot Heal for either raid members or tank. (on Phys/tact this only heals 1 person unlike 61 phys)


- Group Therapy - Raid healing HoT (Hot = Heal over Time) - As said before, Group Therapy hits the first 10 people with the lowest hp in the raid, which is fine in a 10 man but in a 20 man you're gonna wanna press this button a few times in order for it to hit everyone. - Consumes 5 combo points.


- Curative Blast - Raid healing HoT that, you guessed it! Heals over time. You only need to press this ability once, even though it only hits 10 targets, the way Curative Blast works is it has smart target healing, meaning it will change from player to player depending on who has the lowest health, so whenever this is up, you can just spam Group Therapy - Or spot heal a tank if you feel its necessary. But remember your priority is Raid healing.


- Curative Core - Small aoe healing core that heals up to 10 nearby raid members. Has roughly 25m range and heals for just a little less than Curative Blast - You want to have this up 100% of the time.




Standard rotation when not moving will be as follows:

Pre-cast Curative Blast - Precast Group Therapy (whilst the raid is waiting around for ready checks and for tanks to pull) As the tank is counting down pop Curative Core -


If you have 5 combo points use Group Therapy then move into this healing rotation.


Causal Treatment - Causal Treatment - Expectant Treatment - Curative Blast - Casual Treatment - Causal Treatment - Active Treatment - Group Therapy - Causal Treatment - Causal Treatment - Expectant Treatment - Group Therapy

Repeat this.  

Rotation will change on movement, just add more active treatments and don't waste combo points. The way that rotation is set out, Curative Blast will drop off at the same time as you're about to re-apply it. Pop Curative Core as its about to run out. 
Your healing cd's are all st cd's, so if you feel the tank needs topping up feel free to use them on the tank, or if another raid member gets really low you can use them as a spot heal.

Other Abilities/Notes:

Barrier Remote - Self Shield. Use this if you need to, its quite a decent sized shield. 20% of your maximum health and its off global cooldown

Necrotic Core - You can use this to increase your dps, obviously don't try to put it up during a raid damage block and waste a gcd, keeping the raid alive > Your dps.

Mass Detox - Aoe Cleanse (10 players) 10 second cooldown.

Detoxification - ST cleanse. No cooldown.

Mass Repulsion - Knocks Enemies Back. Useful for bosses such as Duke (first boss CoA) where knock-backs are needed, you can use it as long as it doesnt put the raid at risk.

Shadow Shift - Ports 15m forward. 

Viral Infection - Have this on the boss.

You will gain more dps from using Viral Infection than you will trying to heal from Pandemic, Pandemic healing is really bad, and its dps is so low its not worth using. 

Dont put Mass Detox into your cleanse macro, there are scenarios where you only need to cleanse one person and will then need your aoe cleanse within the next 10 seconds. 



#show Detoxification
cast @group01 Detoxification
cast @group02 Detoxification
cast @group03 Detoxification
cast @group04 Detoxification
cast @group05 Detoxification
cast @group06 Detoxification
cast @group07 Detoxification
cast @group08 Detoxification
cast @group09 Detoxification
cast @group10 Detoxification
cast @group11 Detoxification
cast @group12 Detoxification
cast @group13 Detoxification
cast @group14 Detoxification
cast @group15 Detoxification
cast @group16 Detoxification
cast @group17 Detoxification
cast @group18 Detoxification
cast @group19 Detoxification
cast @group20 Detoxification
cast @self Detoxification


#show Kiss of Life
cast Kiss of Life
raid Battle Rez on %T because I love Ani


#show Power Core
cast Power Core
cast Battle Remote
ra Power Core/Battle Remote Used! (I still love Ani)

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