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Whitefall steppes


  • 15 player Warfront

  • Time Limit: 20 Minutes

  • Objective - Take Sourcestones that spawn in the middle of the map to your base 

  • Steal Sourcestones from enemy base if they have one.

First Spawn - 19:00

From this point the spawn time depends on how long the stone is held (holding the stone will delay the next spawn) 

When holding the flag you are unable to use; runspeed buffs (excluding insoles, mirrors, speed vials and bard buffs) 

Spawn pattern:
⦁    Middle
⦁    Right
⦁    Left
⦁    Left & Right 

You can still charge people when holding the stone - You just can't use Ports. You also get a small movement speed + healing reduction

When playing this map you have a few options on how to win

If you have the objective, and you team is dominating middle, you can hand it in to let the next stone spawn faster (be sure to use a recon vial and watch for people trying to steal)

If you have the objective, and your team isn't dominating middle, hold the objective to delay the next spawn, until your team has control of middle again.

If you don't have the objective, and your team isn't dominating middle (and the other team has capped one) go for the steal, you can always switch to tank and attempt to get to your base, the likelihood is you will just peel of a majority of their group to come kill you (in which case your team can pick off the rest and regain control of mid, and come help you) or only a few will come but won't be able to kill you as tank.
If the match is 1-1 and the timer is ticking down, if there is a stalemate in mid, you can go stealth to their base, wait till the last 5 seconds, pick up the flag and cause a win for your team (or if its 2-1 and cause a draw). 

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